(and at Teen Mania, too)
I love the resources at Steve McVey’s Gracewalk website. He has a video series on “101 Lies Taught in Church Every Sunday.” The first time I came across his list of lies, I was shocked. These are standard, basic theologies taught in nearly every Protestant church in America! Could they really be wrong? Take a listen and see what you think. You might not agree with everything you hear, but I guarantee that its good food for thought.
Some Highlights from the List of Lies: (2021 Update: Video has since been privatized.)
#6 – Your Greatest Need is to Love God More
#14 – You Need To Try Hard To Please God
#18 – If You Resist Sin You Will Become More Godly
#22 – When We Do Wrong, We Are Out of Fellowship With God
#28 – God Is Disappointed When You Do Wrong
#37 – You Should Be Ashamed When You Sin
#56 – We Need To Focus On Overcoming Our Sins
#76 – You Need An Accountability Partner
#82 – You Can Backslide From God
(A 3rd party added a creepy intro to the beginning of the youtube videos, but don’t let that scare you off.)

stanleyhutchinssays:January 7, 2011 8:32 AMReply
Creepy intro?! I think it is FANTASTIC!

S.Z.B.says:March 30, 2011 2:14 PMReply
Thanks for posting this, I needed to hear these things.
I just discovered this website and while I never went to the HA, I attended ATF religiously from 95-2001 and went on 3 GE trips. Lately I’d been noticing how many things I’ve believed and built my life on that are not Biblical. It’s frightening honestly. TMM definitely had a part in this, as did some other organizations that picked up when I outgrew TMM (that’s what my friend who introduced me to TMM and I used to say to each other. We still loved TMM but we had just outgrown it…)
It’s ironic that with my very charismatic background, growing up scoffing at all of those legalistic ninnies in the more traditional denominations, I was really completely bound by legalism. Mine just had a more flashy wrapping.

Recovering Alumnisays:March 30, 2011 2:34 PMReply
“It’s ironic that with my very charismatic background, growing up scoffing at all of those legalistic ninnies in the more traditional denominations, I was really completely bound by legalism. Mine just had a more flashy wrapping.”
SZB – Well said!