There is a new website that compiles some of the most relevant information about Teen Mania International. It gives an overview of the media’s coverage and might be a bit more accessible for people just wanting an overview. Visit for details.

Anonymoussays:May 30, 2014 at 7:54 PMReply
This site looks like just an additional page made by the same people who made ‘my teen mania experience’… more here say and half truths. Stick to the facts, and let God be the judge! 🙂 For instance… those ‘cult experts’ have an opinion that doesn’t matter because it’s based only on a few stories. Not saying the stories didn’t happen or that those people don’t know things to look for but in this instance, hard, provable facts are all that really matter.

Recovering Alumnisays:May 30, 2014 at 9:44 PMReply
Ah yes, provable facts – you mean like the many on this website? Including dozens of documented outright lies by Ron Luce and other senior leadership? Nearly one hundred stories outlining a pattern of domination, control, manipulation through fear and guilt, etc?
Or are they only “provable facts” if they come from the mouth of Teen Mania?

Ericsays:June 2, 2014 at 1:00 PMReply
Personally, I think “hard provable facts” would include the professional assessment of licensed mental health experts, and exclude the armchair assessment of anonymous internet commenters. (Especially ones who can’t spell “hearsay.”)
To avoid hearsay, you could also ask what people with firsthand knowledge think.
Of course, if we’re only concerned for what Teen Mania themselves says is fact, Ron Luce said in a recent conference call, quote: “Most ‘Recovering Alumni’ content is true.”

Four Squaredsays:September 3, 2014 at 1:42 AMReply
What upsets and angers me at this point is the ongoing stone cold wall of silence on all of this from the many high profile Spiritual Leaders of Christ’s Church, who formerly loudly endorsed Ron Luce and Teen Mania as utterly trustworthy and admirable. Jack Hayford and others were very vocal in arrogantly berating, mocking and dismissing Recovering Alumni and the testimony of a multitude of wounded kids and grieving parents. Even now after the public exposure of rampant financial fraud, misappropriation, mismanagement and recklessness that will potentially lead to criminal investigation and charges, these same Shepherds of God’s flock turn a blind eye and deaf ear to this proven abuse of the Lord’s children, choosing to be mute on the subject. Where are loud voices and published letters of former Board Members now that God has exposed the truth? Where is the outcry in Christian publications? It is all sadly lacking. Why the pretense, why the lack of humility, apology and repentance from these who led Christ’s people and their children into the jaws of such a predatory wolf? They have much to account for.
This site looks like just an additional page made by the same people who made ‘my teen mania experience’… more here say and half truths. Stick to the facts, and let God be the judge! 🙂 For instance… those ‘cult experts’ have an opinion that doesn’t matter because it’s based only on a few stories. Not saying the stories didn’t happen or that those people don’t know things to look for but in this instance, hard, provable facts are all that really matter.
Ah yes, provable facts – you mean like the many on this website? Including dozens of documented outright lies by Ron Luce and other senior leadership? Nearly one hundred stories outlining a pattern of domination, control, manipulation through fear and guilt, etc? Or are they only “provable facts” if they come from the mouth of Teen Mania?
Personally, I think “hard provable facts” would include the professional assessment of licensed mental health experts, and exclude the armchair assessment of anonymous internet commenters. (Especially ones who can’t spell “hearsay.”) To avoid hearsay, you could also ask what people with firsthand knowledge think. Of course, if we’re only concerned for what Teen Mania themselves says is fact, Ron Luce said in a recent conference call, quote: “Most ‘Recovering Alumni’ content is true.”
What upsets and angers me at this point is the ongoing stone cold wall of silence on all of this from the many high profile Spiritual Leaders of Christ’s Church, who formerly loudly endorsed Ron Luce and Teen Mania as utterly trustworthy and admirable. Jack Hayford and others were very vocal in arrogantly berating, mocking and dismissing Recovering Alumni and the testimony of a multitude of wounded kids and grieving parents. Even now after the public exposure of rampant financial fraud, misappropriation, mismanagement and recklessness that will potentially lead to criminal investigation and charges, these same Shepherds of God’s flock turn a blind eye and deaf ear to this proven abuse of the Lord’s children, choosing to be mute on the subject. Where are loud voices and published letters of former Board Members now that God has exposed the truth? Where is the outcry in Christian publications? It is all sadly lacking. Why the pretense, why the lack of humility, apology and repentance from these who led Christ’s people and their children into the jaws of such a predatory wolf? They have much to account for.