Today’s post is inspired by The Onion.

-Intense therapy.
-Diving into scripture and letting the grace of the Lord wash over me..
-Connecting with others who were also damaged/hurt and realizing that you’re not alone–and healing.
August 27, 2010 6:59 AM
heartsfire said…
-running from “Christianity” for 10+ years
-recovering from eating disorder
-trying to get in a relationship with Christ on my own
– getting health issues that developed while there treated
– starting a wonderful family with someone the HA would consider not worth of an intern and learning to love people again
August 27, 2010 7:15 AM
Anonymous said…
What’s the percentage for “Making babies”, because that’s how I spend my post HA time 🙂
August 27, 2010 8:50 AM
Eric P. said…
[Revision of “truth’s” comment above]
– 0.5% boldly speaking the truth in love about TM’s ungodly doctrine, even though they know haters will slander them as “ministry-bashing.”
– 5% Leaving condescending comments on a “ministry-bashing blog,” attempting to dishearten people who are seeking REAL healing. (‘Cause that’s statesmanship!)
– 52% Failing to consider the implications of hundreds of people coming out of a “Christian ministry” in need of “Real healing.”
– 77.5% Having a self-righteous prideful attitude about their “great things for God” as if it’s something they could do apart from God’s grace.
– 77.5% Erroneously thinking that God actually wants you to do “great things” for Him, when Jesus said “Only one thing is needful.”
– 13.4% Making up statistics.
– 0.01% Failing to get jokes.
August 27, 2010 9:20 AM
Shannon Kish said…
-running as far away from christianity and any semblance of god.
-trying to help others.
-trying to heal from my cult experience
August 28, 2010 12:40 AM
joyG said…
“77.5% Erroneously thinking that God actually wants you to do “great things” for Him, when Jesus said “Only one thing is needful.” -Too true to even say ‘amen’ to.
I’m humbled by everyone’s responses. Thank you for the honesty, all…
August 28, 2010 3:14 PM
Anonymous said…
“%4 raising money to go back.”
I’ve kinda forgotten all the T.M. drama in my life (praise God it was so much quicker for me than most, mainly cause I found the blog about a year after I left. A TOTAL God thing. 🙂
But I remember that was THE THING to do after we left. Dave Hasz said COUNTLESS times – “If you don’t KNOW God is calling you to leave than stay. we need you here.”
August 28, 2010 4:31 PM
Anonymouse said…
“we need you here” AKA “I need your money”
August 29, 2010 10:49 AM