In last night’s service at Teen Mania, Ron mentioned that there are a lot of “squirrelly” things happening in the name of Christianity.
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@45:20 – There is a lot that is unfortunately going on out there that is unfortunately under the name of Christianity that really doesn’t look much like what the Bible talks about at all.
Couldn’t agree more, Ron.
I got halfway through before I decided I agree with him on one other point he is a Heritic he doesn’t even get scriptures like “I stand at the door and knock….” Somehow he only notices what he wants. UGH
I’m not saying I agree with the rest of the sermon. I haven’t listed to it yet. I just heard this snippet and thought it was ironic that Ron doesn’t realize he is talking about himself.
lol This is true. For those who don’t wanna punish themselves: He goes after the Head down eyes closed pray the “sinners” prayer beginnings of Christianity. It’s interesting because it’s something I think the evangelicals get right not a specific prayer but the idea that you confess to God that you aren’t worthy without him. It gets you to really focus on how much you really depend on him (if this is your faith). I stopped after he started ragging on people like Billy Graham because I have great respect Both Graham’s and their ministries.
Really? He rags on Billy Graham? The same Billy Graham whose promotion they proudly display in their brochures? LOL
I don’t know if he really did rag on Billy Graham, but even in the lobby in the admin building, they proudly display a telegram from Biily Graham and i believe also a letter from Franklin Graham
good to see you thursday night @ the university! i came across this site and you’ve prolly seen it but thought i’d share it anyways.
Elizabeth Harrison