After months of insisting that Teen Mania NEVER missed a mortgage payment (including in an hour long conference call with alumni shortly after the announcement), Ron Luce has finally admitted that they in fact did miss one payment.
Remember, just last month, Ron wrote:
But a Charisma News article posted today said:
Further, former Communications Director Cindy Mallette commented on the news article: (2021 Update: The comments on the above article have since disappeared, even in the Wayback Machine.)
As the former Teen Mania Communications Director who made the initial announcement of the move, I have a few clarifications I’d like to make regarding this article. I discovered the truth of Teen Mania’s financial situation the day after announcing Ron’s PR-heavy version to the world. When I confronted Ron about it, I was subsequently fired for urging him to tell the truth about the friendly foreclosure and missed mortgage payments (documents I saw from the bank used the word “default”) to the the public. He initially refused to take my advice, citing contrary advice from a Public Relations firm in Dallas that he’d hired at the time. Their advice was to specifically not say “foreclosure.” He told me to get behind that advice or, “maybe we need to be having a different conversation about your job.
How many more months will it take for Ron Luce to admit the truth about the foreclosure?

Ericsays:June 10, 2014 at 7:11 PMReply

Anonymoussays:June 11, 2014 at 6:58 PMReply
The CFO Dan McLeod was terminated in the last couple of weeks, I bet he could provide the details and that conservation would make for an interesting news story.

Anonymoussays:June 11, 2014 at 7:00 PMReply
Mortgage companies do not foreclose on one missed payment

RickyBobbysays:June 25, 2014 at 11:08 PMReply
We don’t know for sure how many payments were missed. Ron Luce said there were never any missed payments, but we know that there was at least one. It’s possible that there was more than 1 missed payment.
Also, I imagine commercial mortgages are handled differently than residential mortgages. Lenders may foreclose after 1 missed payment on 10 million dollar loans from non-profits that have published filings that indicate their insolvency.

Anonymoussays:July 16, 2014 at 1:01 PMReply
very very very upset and disappointed right now , Just informed that they have suspended In coming class for september 2014 and January 2015 .this morning i got the wind knock out of me and to tell my daughter she can’t go cause she has been wanted to go since 8th grade. so now what we do for college which starts August . Lord please help me with these emotions casue my child is hurting and disappointed and can’t stop crying. why did you wait so late! that is what i have a problem with.

Four Squaredsays:September 3, 2014 at 11:12 AMReplyThis comment has been removed by the author.

Four Squaredsays:September 3, 2014 at 11:18 AMReply
Ron Luce lied. Forced others to lie. Fired those who refused to continue lying. No, there is no insolvency, foreclosure or bankruptcy. All transactions with the bank are friendly. All that happened was merely signatures on paper by both sides. Nothing to be alarmed about. Vacating from Oklahoma and relocating to Texas is actually a logical expansion of TM. No no, children aren’t abused at Teen Mania. Acquire the Fire is positive. Honor Academy is nurturing. ESOAL / PEARL is healthy. Global Expeditions is safe. Teen Mania Ministries / Teen Mania International is good. His Work Ministries is a separate entity. Contributions are properly used. TM is a member of the ECFA. No worries. FICA, Federal and private Student Loans are properly disbursed. College Credits are properly earned. Joint partnership with Jack Hayford Ministries and The King’s University ensures valid transferable College Credits. Teen Mania is godly. Teen Mania is not a cult. Teen Mania is not a cult. Teen Mania is not a cult…
I am shocked, shocked…
The CFO Dan McLeod was terminated in the last couple of weeks, I bet he could provide the details and that conservation would make for an interesting news story.
Mortgage companies do not foreclose on one missed payment
We don’t know for sure how many payments were missed. Ron Luce said there were never any missed payments, but we know that there was at least one. It’s possible that there was more than 1 missed payment. Also, I imagine commercial mortgages are handled differently than residential mortgages. Lenders may foreclose after 1 missed payment on 10 million dollar loans from non-profits that have published filings that indicate their insolvency.
very very very upset and disappointed right now , Just informed that they have suspended In coming class for september 2014 and January 2015 .this morning i got the wind knock out of me and to tell my daughter she can’t go cause she has been wanted to go since 8th grade. so now what we do for college which starts August . Lord please help me with these emotions casue my child is hurting and disappointed and can’t stop crying. why did you wait so late! that is what i have a problem with.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ron Luce lied. Forced others to lie. Fired those who refused to continue lying. No, there is no insolvency, foreclosure or bankruptcy. All transactions with the bank are friendly. All that happened was merely signatures on paper by both sides. Nothing to be alarmed about. Vacating from Oklahoma and relocating to Texas is actually a logical expansion of TM. No no, children aren’t abused at Teen Mania. Acquire the Fire is positive. Honor Academy is nurturing. ESOAL / PEARL is healthy. Global Expeditions is safe. Teen Mania Ministries / Teen Mania International is good. His Work Ministries is a separate entity. Contributions are properly used. TM is a member of the ECFA. No worries. FICA, Federal and private Student Loans are properly disbursed. College Credits are properly earned. Joint partnership with Jack Hayford Ministries and The King’s University ensures valid transferable College Credits. Teen Mania is godly. Teen Mania is not a cult. Teen Mania is not a cult. Teen Mania is not a cult…