What Happened to Teen Mania Board’s of Directors?

2021 Update: Aside from the closure in 2015, the board has changed a bit over the years. The link points to the Wayback Machine and redirects to different lists of staff from the list below.

According to the Teen Mania website, there are only 2 members of the Board of Directors other than Ron and Katie Luce: George Babbes and Christin McClave.

What happened to the rest of them?

Daniel Williams
Myles Munroe
Lisa Robertson
Paul Nelson
Tom Muccio

All of these people had been on the board for YEARS – some well over a decade. Christin McClave is a fairly recent addition in the past two years.

Has the Board of Directors resigned? If so, why?

UPDATE: Within days of this post being  published, Teen Mania has re-added Daniel Williams to the Board and added two new additional members, Andy Murray and Dr. Nathan Moody.


Shannon Kishsays:June 11, 2012 at 2:36 PMReply

That is quite odd as just a few weeks ago they were all listed. What in the heck is going on?

Ojos Asísays:June 11, 2012 at 2:54 PMReply

They quit. Ron wouldn’t listen.

Who would want to go down with a sinking ship.

Nunquam Honorablussays:June 11, 2012 at 3:18 PMReply

Oh hey Shakira, welcome back!

Anonymoussays:June 11, 2012 at 3:53 PMReply

Mrs. Christin McClave = Greta Van Susteren?

Anonymoussays:June 11, 2012 at 4:04 PMReply

why not just ask someone at TM?

Anonymoussays:June 11, 2012 at 4:07 PMReply

It’s worse than that.

Jan 2007
Mr. Peter Lowe

Jan 2010

Dr. Daniel Williams – MIA?
Dr. Jack Hayford – MIA?
Dr. Myles Munroe – MIA?
Mrs. Lisa Robertson – MIA?
Mr. Paul Nelson – MIA?
Dr. Mark Lewandowski – MIA?
Mr. Tom Muccio – MIA?

More like KIA?

Anonymoussays:June 12, 2012 at 3:16 AMReply

Teen Mania Canada has not updated it’s website to reflect the changes.

Nathaniel Mussonsays:June 12, 2012 at 11:37 AMReply

Staff are disappearing too.


Dozens of staff positions are being replaced by GIs. Sad to see so many friends depart.

Angela Ryesays:June 12, 2012 at 11:50 AMReply

Myles Munroe is a coward. I’m surprised Teen Mania selected him in the first place. Complete sell out of his people.

mousesays:June 12, 2012 at 11:51 AMReply

Angela –

What does that have to do with anything we’re talking about here?

Shannon Kishsays:June 12, 2012 at 2:37 PMReply

Nathan, I am confused. In other places you have said that you are a current staff member. But your FB shows that you are currently in Africa. Also, did you get my fb message?

Nathaniel Mussonsays:June 12, 2012 at 3:49 PMReply

Shannon –

I’m in Mozambique on a missions trip. I have limited access to internet, yet I’m intrigued by this blog. I’ve never really took the time to hear both sides of the story.

I do work at Teen Mania. Right now I work in the Admissions Department for HA but I’m transitioning in August to oversee The Furnace prayer school.

Grace and Peace

Daniel Sanchezsays:June 12, 2012 at 3:53 PMReply

Hey Bro, glad to see your alive and well in Africa. I’ve been following this blog for quite a while too. When you get back to campus you need to meet baby Selah. Blessings to you.

Vegasays:June 12, 2012 at 4:02 PMReply

The song of an incoming intern…

Hey, I just graduated,
and this is crazy,
but here’s my money,
so abuse me, maybe?

Anonymoussays:June 12, 2012 at 4:52 PMReply

Humiliating Fundraiser = Egg Cracking:

“This fundraiser is only successful when done on top of an event much bigger. For example, during a yard sale or a car wash. Set up a table with a couple of signs that say “crack an egg on my head.” You’ll probably want a blanket or tarp to lay out so that egg isn’t all over the ground/grass. You should also get plastic baggies for the people who will be doing the cracking, otherwise you’ll find a lot of people turning you down because they don’t want egg all over their hand. Another good idea would be to have a jar with the word “donation” on it.

Advertise it in a way that says you can crack an egg on my head for a donation and help support me in my mission to the youth of America. Kids will eat this activity up, and it’s a good pass time for when their car is being washed or they are waiting for their grandma to finish their yard sale shopping.”

Shannon Kishsays:June 12, 2012 at 4:56 PMReply


Thanks for the response.

So, how do you know that Ron was asked to resign and that he is being bought out by a Christian businessman?


Recovering Alumnisays:June 12, 2012 at 5:55 PMReply

I seriously doubt that is actually Mr. Musson. Unless he replies to you from his personal fb, I’m going to assume thats a troll who knows he can use Mr. Musson’s name since he is out of the country.

After all, how would a guy in Africa know this top level info?

Shannon Kishsays:June 12, 2012 at 5:57 PMReply

RA, He is logged in under Musson’s blogger profile which links to his personal blogs. (Of course that could be a hacker)

Shilohsays:June 12, 2012 at 8:24 PMReply

I was an intern with Nate and Daniel. Didn’t know either of them more then just a passing hi. They were both known for being pretty smart guys with quite a bit of drive and focus.

To Nate and Daniel – I know this is a hard pill to swallow and no doubt you’ve thought about it and will draw your own conclusions. Glad you guys are around. 🙂

Anonymoussays:June 14, 2012 at 6:55 AMReply

I have a hard time believing that Nate Musson would first post in here and second that he would say anything about Ron Luce being asked to resign or that he is being bought out…..especially since Nate is still on staff at TM…..seems VERY troll like to me

Anonymoussays:June 14, 2012 at 7:42 AMReply

I see Daniel Williams is still listed on the site…

the gaurdiansays:June 14, 2012 at 10:35 AMReply

Anon @7:42

when this post went up, there were only 4 people listed as being part of the board of directors. Yes, Daniel Williams has been added back on, but his FB page, which he updates, says he left Teen Mania in 2011.

Shannon Kishsays:June 14, 2012 at 12:17 PMReply

I haven’t received a response to my fb message sent to the REAL Nate Musson, so I am assuming that the one posting here is a fake.

Anonymoussays:June 14, 2012 at 3:45 PMReply

i never saw anywhere that Nate said that ron was being bought…i saw someone else say that elswhere….i highly doubt that is the real nate musson commenting on here….

Anonymoussays:June 15, 2012 at 12:23 AMReply

Check the prior posting

Anonymoussays:June 15, 2012 at 8:27 AMReply

ooo i see it posted as anonymous…there is no way this is the real nate….

Anonymoussays:June 15, 2012 at 11:09 AMReply

I’ll almost guarantee it’s not Nate, not to mention that Sanchez is probably not real, either. I think it’s very convenient that Daniel and Nate are having a casual conversation on this forum.

Anonymoussays:June 15, 2012 at 12:32 PMReply

I am going to respect the privacy of my friend but I am very close with a family member of one of the board members listed as “MIA” so I called and asked her about this. They still meet – once a year – and even tho they are not listed on the website they are still involved with TM and love and support the ministry. It’s important not to draw too drastic of conclusions from what is at best circumstantial evidence. I have a first hand source and the way it is being portrayed is not accurate.

the gaurdiansays:June 15, 2012 at 2:42 PMReply

So Anon @12:32, you’re saying you talked to Lisa Robertson(she’s the only other female aside from Katie Luce to ever serve on the BOD), and she confirmed she’s still on the board even though Ron Luce has confirmed otherwise?

Recovering Alumnisays:June 15, 2012 at 3:07 PMReply

Guardian – the family member that was asked was female, not necessarily the BOD member.

Recovering Alumnisays:June 15, 2012 at 3:08 PMReply

Not that I put a lot of stock in anonymous comments…

Shannon Kishsays:June 15, 2012 at 3:34 PMReply

Anon, Ron has publicly confirmed that there are only 7 board members.

journeytodoctorsays:June 17, 2012 at 5:04 PMReply

I’m not sure if TM works this way, but a lot of boards only serve a certain term, and some even have age limits. So if a few had a term that came to an end, and then a couple quit (just because that does often happen with volunteer boards), any organization could have to add a bunch of new people. Unless you hear otherwise, this would not seem like a red flag to me necessarily.

This is Mandy – the one who posted the blog about Cindy not disclosing her affiliation with TMM on my blog. I wrote a piece for this site in January or February, I think.

One of the former board members listed is from my area. It appears that one of his professional acquaintances, and someone I have interacted with professionally several times is now on the board. I would imagine that if there was some scandal with all of the board leaving, this professional acquaintance of mine would not be on the board. But now he is.

I still have SERIOUS concerns about Teen Mania, but I am not sure this board thing is a clear sign that there is an issue. People who serve on boards are typically successful people with lots of demands on their time. It is not surprising to see board turnover.

Joshsays:June 17, 2012 at 6:11 PMReply

MANDY, most people who have been on the board were there for over a decade. According to Ron, the only reason for the change was because of personal matters, and not the fact that their time on the board was over.

Shilohsays:June 18, 2012 at 2:11 AMReply

I’m with Josh, only because of the crazy that has been going down in the last month involving T.M.
(Dave Hasz leaving. Plane Crash killing 4 staff members. (Not Teen Mania’s fault, but Ron’s reaction was if nothing more, clearly unstable reasoning.) Also Mind over Mania and the weird board scandals last year with recoveringalumniresponse or whatever. But mostly Dave leaving.
I dunno. It’s just that Teen Mania isn’t normal. Nothing about that place is normal. And I guess I just let go of the idea that I had to first assume the best.

Anonymoussays:June 18, 2012 at 8:56 AMReply

how was rons reaction to the plane crash unstable?

Anonymoussays:June 18, 2012 at 9:13 AMReply

@Guardian I am anonymous 12:32. The person I am talking about is the grand daughter of one of the board of directors. I am respecting her privacy b/c she also went through the Honor Academy (She was my AP) and she doesn’t like big deals made about the family connection. She didn’t want any kind of special treatment and she has plenty to deal with right now other than discussing this online. RA was right. The family member is a female but the BOD member is, indeed, male. I know it must seem circumscript but please understand that is for a very good reason but what I am saying is absolutely true.

Doug Duncansays:June 19, 2012 at 11:55 AMReply

@anon 12:32/9:13,
Okay, there may be more being made of this than should be. Perhaps the board is still around/involved. The point is, if they were smart, they wouldn’t be. There is a lot of liability there for people who have anything to lose.

J.says:June 19, 2012 at 9:01 PMReply

Anonymous, perhaps you mean Jack Hayford’s granddaughter.

No matter how “first hand” your source is… it’s still hearsay, so you can’t be surprised that some of us take your information with a grain of salt.

Ericsays:June 20, 2012 at 2:46 PMReply

It’s quite possible that this is nothing more than someone forgetting to update a corporate website. On the other hand, it’s also quite possible that some board members are leaving (along with Dave and Jon Hasz?) to avoid fallout from the very real scandals that surround the Teen Mania name. Note that the original post wisely doesn’t jump to any conclusions either way. A statement of fact is not a criticism, or even a conclusion.

I can’t help noticing that some of the more notable names among Charismatic circles — Hayford, Robertson, Munroe — seem to have gone. Surely if they’re still connected with TM, they would be worth a mention to TM’s customer base, especially since some of the criticism is that TM’s doctrine is at odds with mainstream Christianity. (On the other hand, maybe Pat Robertson’s recent scandals are too much even for TM….)

And, of course, even with the revisions, that’s still four out of eight board members who’ve been… forgotten? replaced? vanished? Who knows?

Anonymoussays:June 23, 2012 at 11:44 AMReply

Jack Hayford is the person who I am talking about (I am the anonymous who knows a family member of the board). He is still on the presidents council and love’s TM. It’s a time issue, same reason he is no long president of the four square denomination.

Doug Duncansays:June 25, 2012 at 12:39 PMReply

Yes, one can only spread heresy in so many places at a time.

Anonymoussays:June 25, 2012 at 4:37 PMReply

Looks like HA has some endorsements…


Anonymoussays:June 25, 2012 at 4:48 PMReply

And here is a picture of your heros…


Where are the Haszs?

Anonymoussays:September 21, 2012 at 10:15 PMReply

One time I saw a fox.

45 thoughts on “What Happened to Teen Mania Board’s of Directors?”

  1. It’s worse than that.

    Jan 2007
    Mr. Peter Lowe

    Jan 2010

    Dr. Daniel Williams – MIA?
    Dr. Jack Hayford – MIA?
    Dr. Myles Munroe – MIA?
    Mrs. Lisa Robertson – MIA?
    Mr. Paul Nelson – MIA?
    Dr. Mark Lewandowski – MIA?
    Mr. Tom Muccio – MIA?

    More like KIA?

  2. Myles Munroe is a coward. I’m surprised Teen Mania selected him in the first place. Complete sell out of his people.

  3. Nathan, I am confused. In other places you have said that you are a current staff member. But your FB shows that you are currently in Africa. Also, did you get my fb message?

  4. Nathaniel Musson

    Shannon –

    I’m in Mozambique on a missions trip. I have limited access to internet, yet I’m intrigued by this blog. I’ve never really took the time to hear both sides of the story.

    I do work at Teen Mania. Right now I work in the Admissions Department for HA but I’m transitioning in August to oversee The Furnace prayer school.

    Grace and Peace

  5. Daniel Sanchez

    Hey Bro, glad to see your alive and well in Africa. I’ve been following this blog for quite a while too. When you get back to campus you need to meet baby Selah. Blessings to you.

  6. The song of an incoming intern…

    Hey, I just graduated,
    and this is crazy,
    but here’s my money,
    so abuse me, maybe?

  7. Humiliating Fundraiser = Egg Cracking:

    “This fundraiser is only successful when done on top of an event much bigger. For example, during a yard sale or a car wash. Set up a table with a couple of signs that say “crack an egg on my head.” You’ll probably want a blanket or tarp to lay out so that egg isn’t all over the ground/grass. You should also get plastic baggies for the people who will be doing the cracking, otherwise you’ll find a lot of people turning you down because they don’t want egg all over their hand. Another good idea would be to have a jar with the word “donation” on it.

    Advertise it in a way that says you can crack an egg on my head for a donation and help support me in my mission to the youth of America. Kids will eat this activity up, and it’s a good pass time for when their car is being washed or they are waiting for their grandma to finish their yard sale shopping.”

  8. Nathaniel,

    Thanks for the response.

    So, how do you know that Ron was asked to resign and that he is being bought out by a Christian businessman?


  9. Recovering Alumni

    I seriously doubt that is actually Mr. Musson. Unless he replies to you from his personal fb, I’m going to assume thats a troll who knows he can use Mr. Musson’s name since he is out of the country.

    After all, how would a guy in Africa know this top level info?

  10. RA, He is logged in under Musson’s blogger profile which links to his personal blogs. (Of course that could be a hacker)

  11. I was an intern with Nate and Daniel. Didn’t know either of them more then just a passing hi. They were both known for being pretty smart guys with quite a bit of drive and focus.

    To Nate and Daniel – I know this is a hard pill to swallow and no doubt you’ve thought about it and will draw your own conclusions. Glad you guys are around. 🙂

  12. I have a hard time believing that Nate Musson would first post in here and second that he would say anything about Ron Luce being asked to resign or that he is being bought out…..especially since Nate is still on staff at TM…..seems VERY troll like to me

  13. Anon @7:42

    when this post went up, there were only 4 people listed as being part of the board of directors. Yes, Daniel Williams has been added back on, but his FB page, which he updates, says he left Teen Mania in 2011.

  14. I haven’t received a response to my fb message sent to the REAL Nate Musson, so I am assuming that the one posting here is a fake.

  15. i never saw anywhere that Nate said that ron was being bought…i saw someone else say that elswhere….i highly doubt that is the real nate musson commenting on here….

  16. I’ll almost guarantee it’s not Nate, not to mention that Sanchez is probably not real, either. I think it’s very convenient that Daniel and Nate are having a casual conversation on this forum.

  17. I am going to respect the privacy of my friend but I am very close with a family member of one of the board members listed as “MIA” so I called and asked her about this. They still meet – once a year – and even tho they are not listed on the website they are still involved with TM and love and support the ministry. It’s important not to draw too drastic of conclusions from what is at best circumstantial evidence. I have a first hand source and the way it is being portrayed is not accurate.

  18. So Anon @12:32, you’re saying you talked to Lisa Robertson(she’s the only other female aside from Katie Luce to ever serve on the BOD), and she confirmed she’s still on the board even though Ron Luce has confirmed otherwise?

  19. journeytodoctor

    I’m not sure if TM works this way, but a lot of boards only serve a certain term, and some even have age limits. So if a few had a term that came to an end, and then a couple quit (just because that does often happen with volunteer boards), any organization could have to add a bunch of new people. Unless you hear otherwise, this would not seem like a red flag to me necessarily.

    This is Mandy – the one who posted the blog about Cindy not disclosing her affiliation with TMM on my blog. I wrote a piece for this site in January or February, I think.

    One of the former board members listed is from my area. It appears that one of his professional acquaintances, and someone I have interacted with professionally several times is now on the board. I would imagine that if there was some scandal with all of the board leaving, this professional acquaintance of mine would not be on the board. But now he is.

    I still have SERIOUS concerns about Teen Mania, but I am not sure this board thing is a clear sign that there is an issue. People who serve on boards are typically successful people with lots of demands on their time. It is not surprising to see board turnover.

  20. MANDY, most people who have been on the board were there for over a decade. According to Ron, the only reason for the change was because of personal matters, and not the fact that their time on the board was over.

  21. I’m with Josh, only because of the crazy that has been going down in the last month involving T.M.
    (Dave Hasz leaving. Plane Crash killing 4 staff members. (Not Teen Mania’s fault, but Ron’s reaction was if nothing more, clearly unstable reasoning.) Also Mind over Mania and the weird board scandals last year with recoveringalumniresponse or whatever. But mostly Dave leaving.
    I dunno. It’s just that Teen Mania isn’t normal. Nothing about that place is normal. And I guess I just let go of the idea that I had to first assume the best.

  22. @Guardian I am anonymous 12:32. The person I am talking about is the grand daughter of one of the board of directors. I am respecting her privacy b/c she also went through the Honor Academy (She was my AP) and she doesn’t like big deals made about the family connection. She didn’t want any kind of special treatment and she has plenty to deal with right now other than discussing this online. RA was right. The family member is a female but the BOD member is, indeed, male. I know it must seem circumscript but please understand that is for a very good reason but what I am saying is absolutely true.

  23. @anon 12:32/9:13,
    Okay, there may be more being made of this than should be. Perhaps the board is still around/involved. The point is, if they were smart, they wouldn’t be. There is a lot of liability there for people who have anything to lose.

  24. Anonymous, perhaps you mean Jack Hayford’s granddaughter.

    No matter how “first hand” your source is… it’s still hearsay, so you can’t be surprised that some of us take your information with a grain of salt.

  25. It’s quite possible that this is nothing more than someone forgetting to update a corporate website. On the other hand, it’s also quite possible that some board members are leaving (along with Dave and Jon Hasz?) to avoid fallout from the very real scandals that surround the Teen Mania name. Note that the original post wisely doesn’t jump to any conclusions either way. A statement of fact is not a criticism, or even a conclusion.

    I can’t help noticing that some of the more notable names among Charismatic circles — Hayford, Robertson, Munroe — seem to have gone. Surely if they’re still connected with TM, they would be worth a mention to TM’s customer base, especially since some of the criticism is that TM’s doctrine is at odds with mainstream Christianity. (On the other hand, maybe Pat Robertson’s recent scandals are too much even for TM….)

    And, of course, even with the revisions, that’s still four out of eight board members who’ve been… forgotten? replaced? vanished? Who knows?

  26. Jack Hayford is the person who I am talking about (I am the anonymous who knows a family member of the board). He is still on the presidents council and love’s TM. It’s a time issue, same reason he is no long president of the four square denomination.

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