I’m often asked why I’ve chosen to remain anonymous. I think its a good question and one that deserves to be answered. Since the start of this blog I have attempted to remain anonymous for the following reasons:
- I want the focus to be on the message not the messenger. If I were to give my identity away right off the bat, I’m afraid people would be attempted to attack me personally instead of dealing with the substance of my allegations. By refusing to play that game, I’ve put the focus on the facts, and I have provided detailed facts to support every single allegation I have ever made. In fact, Teen Mania has never been able to prove otherwise.
- I am a small business owner and also work in a freelance industry. The last thing I need is potential employers or clients googling my name and getting all this information on a cult-like group. I have to protect my ability to earn money.
3) When I first started the blog, I was concerned for my personal well-being. I knew that “coming out” so to speak would hurt certain relationships I have with friends who still love Teen Mania. I also had no idea what to expect from Dave Hasz and company in terms of personal attacks. In addition, I have also received threatening emails from an alumnus. (I know TM doesn’t condone violence, but it only takes one wackjob to pull a trigger.)
Now, things may be changing. I have no doubt that as I come forward with my identity Teen Mania will make personal attacks on me and my character. I expect that most of them will be lies, especially since I have already caught both Dave and Heath in multiple lies. (Just listen to the conference call and you’ll see what I’m talking about!)
No matter what Dave Hasz, Heath Stoner and the Teen Mania spin machine come up with, ask yourself these questions:
- Does this change the fact that Teen Mania routinely neglects the health and safety of its interns both during corporate exercise and ESOAL?
- Does this change the fact that there is a startling emphasis on legalism which leads to the “winners” becoming proud and the “losers” becoming discouraged?
- Does this change the fact that there is a stifling atmosphere of fear and condemnation which contributes to depression and spiritual confusion?
- Does this change the fact that hundreds of people have been severely hurt by Teen Mania?
And guys, if you are looking for my main sins, let me save you the trouble. I eat too much junk food, I have a tendency towards depression and doubt and an inability to totally trust God’s love for me. I get irritable once a month and when I’m hungry. I start workout regimens and quit. I once purposely revealed information from someone’s story to the RA community that I wasn’t supposed to. (I regret that.) I don’t read my Bible every day (but I don’t think that’s a sin!). I cuss. I have trust issues. I’m sure those of you that know me in person can come up with some more!
Love you, RA!
I have a hard time “coming out” as well. My brother and sister-in-law attended the HA and are huge supporters… to the point that they’re unwilling to accept that my experience was less than perfect (As a concession, if it wasn’t perfect, it was probably my fault).September 17, 2010 8:43 AMAnonymous said…
you don’t have to “come out”-why put yourself through the ringer?September 17, 2010 2:46 PM
Shiloh said…
Amen to Anon 2:46.
I was trying to figure out how to say that. ๐September 17, 2010 2:48 PM
Shiloh said…
Oh and at Jillian. I am SO SORRY about your family relationships. PRAY. It’s the only thing that works. ๐
“Jesus, I ask you for Jillians brother. I pray You would give him understanding of the pain that Jill has gone through. And I pray that You would give Jillian a whole heart to know that You truly are the only One found good. We love YOU!”September 17, 2010 3:01 PM
Recovering Alumni said…
True, I don’t “have to” but in time you will see why I’ve made the decision…Stay tuned.September 17, 2010 6:25 PM
Shiloh said…
*Shocked.September 17, 2010 7:23 PM
Anonymous said…
seems like traffic on this site has died down since the conference call…wonder whySeptember 17, 2010 9:21 PM
Recovering Alumni said…
Probably because people are getting tired of dealing with a ministry that refuses to change so they have moved on with their lives….I applaud that.September 17, 2010 10:38 PM
Anonymous said…
or people have gotten tired of listening to the rantings of a woman and dealing with someone that refuses to change or see the plank in her own eye ๐September 17, 2010 11:04 PM
Recovering Alumni said…
I don’t miss them ๐September 17, 2010 11:04 PM
Kinda irked by anon. said…
So Anon. Why are you still reading?September 17, 2010 11:18 PM
Nunquam Honorablus said…
“The rantings of a woman…”
Winky faces don’t take away from the douchiness of that comment, FYI.
Also, I second Kinda Irked.September 18, 2010 1:25 AM
Anonymous said…This post has been removed by a blog administrator.September 18, 2010 2:01 AM
Anonymous said…
Cant you disable anons for the time being? I think it would be a good idea.
Brian ASeptember 18, 2010 2:06 AM
Recovering Alumni said…
Brian – great idea. Let me look into it. For now, everyone is on moderation b/c certain people are trying to ruin the surprise…September 18, 2010 2:07 AM
joyG said…
I think your biggest sin is that you wear bright colors. And you don’t visit Florida enough.September 19, 2010 1:13 PM
joyG said…
Ooh, ooh, ooh- wait! Can we all make a list of what our worst sins are and post them? That would be amazingly freeing. But probably TMI. Yet I think it would showcase how Christ is our righteousness and not any of our performance or good behavior. (seriously, it’s good to do with those real people who know you and walk in God’s forgiveness & love. I just know one or two.)
Thanks, RA! The forgiven person needs not hide any frailty. Love DOES cover a ‘multitude of sins’!September 19, 2010 1:28 PM
Shiloh said…
Biggest sin:
Gossip. (probably why I’m on the blog so much. ๐
I had to DELETE my facebook… 5 times.September 19, 2010 5:32 PM
Recovering Alumni said…
Shiloh – do you really think of the blog as gossip?September 19, 2010 5:33 PM
Shiloh said…
Wow that was fast. But I’m glad it was that quick.
No. I don’t think the blog is gossip AT ALL.
I think that sometimes the reason–> I <– check the blog is to stay up to date on all the latest news about T.M. which is probably because I’m so prone to gossip.
The scripture about not being old women that sit around and talk about the neighbors hits me pretty hard. xDSeptember 19, 2010 5:38 PM
Anonymous said…
I think it definitely tends to be gossip sometimes….not always but definitely sometimesSeptember 19, 2010 9:55 PM
Anonymous said…
If Dave and heath were out to disparage you, they would have done it during the conference call, as they knew who you were then. Your ‘coming out’ won’t change their dealings with you.September 19, 2010 11:43 PM
Anonymous said…
I think you can already see the kind of sexist attacks that come from just knowing RA is a woman. People still ‘drinking the koolaid’ will use any means to belittle RA, I don’t blame her at all for having remained anon.
Which reminds me, I’d love to see more posts addressing the raging sexism in TM culture. I can’t imagine from what I know of them that they would ever take criticism seriously when it comes from a woman.September 20, 2010 8:31 AM
Anonymouse said…
Dave and Heath knew that everybody and their dog was recording that conference call. Even they aren’t quite THAT stupid.
AnonymouseSeptember 20, 2010 9:10 AM
layne said…
“or people have gotten tired of listening to the rantings of a woman and dealing with someone that refuses to change or see the plank in her own eye ;)”
Glad to see that christian sexism is still alive and well. And the ol’ the plank-in-the-eye attack? Such an easy way to toss the blame. “They might be aweful to people but…hey, you’re a sinner too, ya know.” With all the open-ended scriptural rheteroic, do christians ever get anything done?September 20, 2010 12:02 PM
Shannon Kish said…
I agree Layne, wow.
What if RA isn’t female. I mean we don’t actually know who RA is. The person on the conference call could have been posing as RA for all we know.*
Or, we are all RA. I am female and I am RA. There are males on the group that are RA as well. RA is all of us!
*Some of us know who RA is, but we have chosen to keep RA’s identity anonymous as requested. ๐September 20, 2010 3:01 PM
Eric P. said…
I am Spartacus!September 21, 2010 4:47 PM
Anonymous said…
You stayed anonymous until there was a news camera in front of you. Now I have a face to my prayer, M.M.
-M.C.K.September 21, 2010 7:28 PM
Jami C. said…
Oh brother.September 21, 2010 9:40 PM