In a recent blog post, Honor Academy Director Jeff Pruett purposely plagiarizesCBN’s story on author John Hagees crazy blood moon prophecy theory. (And then hints that a nuclear holocaust may happen in the near future.)
I say purposely because he often changes only one word in a sentence like saying that particular events in Israel’s history were “epic” instead of “major.” This clearly shows that he knew exactly what he was doing. He even changes a specific quote credited to John Hagee to instead say “according to a Christian leader.”
Take a look below at his blog post. Everything in bold was plagiarized word for word. Everything in italics was plagiarized but he reworded or used synonyms.
Is this what the kids at the HONOR academy are learning? This does not seem like a very honorable example to set – especially when these classes are supposedly for college credit. (Not to mention that the content is ridiculous and easily debunked!)
Link to Honor Academy Director Essay
Link to CBN Story that was Plagiarized
Think of how a star led the wise men to Jesus or how the sun stood still as Joshua led Israel to victory over its enemies. I wonder…is God is getting ready to speak this way once again?
Acts 2:19-20, which reads, “And I will show wonders in Heaven above and signs in the Earth beneath, the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.”
Four Blood Moons are coming…starting tomorrow
There will be a series of blood moons in 2014 and 2015 and I believe these will have enormous significance for Israel and the Church. These “Blood Moons” will act as a sort of celestial indicator…to God’s dealings with men…a sign.
A single blood moon happens fairly regularly; four appearing so closely together is exceptionally uncommon. There have only been a series of blood moons a handful of times over the past 500 years.Let’s examine exactly what a blood moon is and what is the Biblical significance?
A blood moon is when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon.
The sun is shining through the atmosphere of the Earth and casts up on the moon a red shadow. And so the moon appears to be red. North America will be able to see a blood moon when it takes on this color during the eclipse as it passes through the Earth’s shadow, which is the color of a desert sunset.
Such moons appear several times in Scripture.
In the book of Joel, God says there will be “wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire…the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.”
In Acts, the Apostle Peter repeats that verse from Joel. And the book of Revelation says that during the Great Tribulation, “the moon will become like blood.”
On April 15 the first of the four Blood moons happens during Passover. Then again on October 8, the blood moon will occur during the Feast of Tabernacles. Another blood moon will occur during Passover on April 4, 2015. The last Blood Moon will happen on September 28, 2015, which is Feast of the Tabernacles…a total of four blood moons, all appearing on Jewish feast days.
We must remember, the sun, moon, stars and the Earth are all controlled sovereignly by almighty God…not man. He and He alone chooses the path the heavenly bodies take, directing them according to His will. God has chosen to make these signs in the heavens occur during Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles.
What are the Historic implications?
In the past, during the rare appearance of four blood moons on these feast days has coincided with epic events for nation of Israel.
In 1492, Spain expelled the Jews. Columbus also discovered America, which became a safe haven for the Jewish people. According to a Christian leader, “In each of these blood moons, you have something that begins in tragedy and ends in triumph.”
For instance, in 1948, Israel was REBORN as a nation. After approximately 2,000 years, God supernaturally brought them from 66 nations and a nation was born in a day,” This was on the heels of the tragedy of the Holocaust. Tragedy to Triumph.
In 1967, Israel won the Six-Day War and recaptured Jerusalem.
For the first time in 2,000 years, the city of Jerusalem and the State of Israel were united as one once again.
Today Israel faces the ongoing terror of nuclear threat from her enemies throughout the world. The blood moons of 2014 and 2015 are poised to appear In the shadow of Iran’s work upon a nuclear weapons, while both Egypt and Syria, are in total chaos.
The real possibility that Israel chooses a military means to secure safety for it’s self would undoubtedly begin a chain of events that would change the course of world history. In light of this the time is now for the Christians of America to strengthen their stand and rise up and support Israel. We cannot remain silent and expect to receive God’s approval.
Psalms 122:6 says, “Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper.”
I’m not saying that The Blood Moons indicate that a nuclear holocaust is imminent or certain. But I am saying we must know the signs of the times. The Lord Jesus Himself spoke of “the signs of the times.” Certain telltale signs correspond to a crisis-filled close of this age — called in the Bible “the time of the end.” The question is do we understand the nature of these crucial signs? And what are we doing in light of them?

wanderersays:May 28, 2014 at 3:51 PMReply
Nice. Apparently there’s nothing better to do at Teen Mania these days than plagiarize fear-mongers.

Anonymoussays:May 28, 2014 at 11:03 PMReply
While plagiarism may be wrong, and this topic is way below what interns should be being taught… is it really worth the energy to bring up? Just seems kinda petty going from major info about teen mania credentials to Jeff copied some guy…
I really do wish they were taught straight Bible stuff though… over the years there were so many teachers and speakers who just had a thought or an idea or a feeling they preached on… If it’s not from God and the Bible… it’s not worth the interns time! or at least it shouldn’t be.

Recovering Alumnisays:May 28, 2014 at 11:04 PMReply
If he is lying about small things, why wouldn’t he lie about bigger things? Its an issue of integrity and honesty.

Ericsays:May 29, 2014 at 8:10 AMReply
Anon – If you were going to study at a music academy, and then you found out the head of the program was tone-deaf, couldn’t carry a tune, and struggled to play a basic scale, I think that would be a solid reason for people to reconsider the merits of that particular program.
In the same way, the “Honor Academy” claims to be dedicated to the principle “I will conduct myself honorably before God and man,” yet here’s the Honor Academy Director lying, cheating, and stealing. Sounds harsh, I know, but that’s the definition of plagiarism– cheating by stealing someone else’s words and lying that they’re your own. This would get him flunked out of any secular college course in the country for violating Academic Integrity. How can we expect HA to hold anyone to a higher standard when their own director fails at the most basic standard?
There’s also the matter of HA being billed as a place to learn about Christianity, yet the HA director is espousing theology taken from a televangelist’s claim based on false readings of scripture, bad logic, and pseudoscience. If that’s how little discernment the leadership has, what other false teachings are the students going to come away with?

Anonymoussays:September 22, 2014 at 6:20 PMReply
I could not agree with Eric more. As a former English Department Chair (once in a public high school, once in a Christian school), college English instructor, and school accreditation coordinator (in preparation for a visit from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges), I can confirm that any school that tolerates plagiarism (especially in its staff) would have its academic integrity questioned. If TM’s leaders know nothing about academic integrity– or willingly ignore it—– their program should NOT be accredited.
I worried about my niece when she attended four of their high priced “mission trips.” Am grateful that I answered the phone when the HA interns called my son. After four phone conversations with them, they were still unable to answer my basic questions, such as “Why are the students at my school able to go on mission trips to Mexico for a week for $800, all expenses paid? But you want my son to go on a GE trip for over $4,000 for two weeks? My niece went on a GE trip to Alaska, ate PB sandwiches and slept on the floor. Where did all her funds go?”
Another question they couldn’t answer: “Why does TM charge the same prices for mission trips as tour companies charge for package vacations? My niece’s GE trips have been Spartan at best.”
Yet another question I asked, when they told me that my son would give his life to the Lord if he attended a GE trip. “Why does he need to do that on a GE trip? All the Christians I know, including myself and my husband (an ordained minister), became Christians for free. We didn’t need to go on a multi-thousand $ trip.”
As someone who spent 30+ years counseling students about their futures, I tried to help my HA callers think through what they were saying in their calls to me. They seemed so stressed, and couldn’t really explain why a GE trip was crucial to learning how to follow Him better. I tried to be sympathetic in their struggle to grapple with my questions. They seemed to feel so guilty that they couldn’t convince me that a GE trip was necessary for my son. I told them that I hoped they would understand just how much the Lord loves them, whether they could convince me to let him go or not.
The Gospel is Christ on the cross, risen for us. The Gospel is not an over-priced trip. It was so sad to hear the anxiety in the callers’ voices. When I discovered this website, it confirmed my fears for my son back in 2002 when they kept calling.
Because he also has special needs, and is so easily swayed by his need for friends, he has been emotionally and psychologically abused in the past. I thank the Lord that he never returned to ATF. (And once was enough for me and the youth group I took there.)
Thank you for this website. You have protected many young people, and their families, with your good work. Blessings upon you.
Nice. Apparently there’s nothing better to do at Teen Mania these days than plagiarize fear-mongers.
While plagiarism may be wrong, and this topic is way below what interns should be being taught… is it really worth the energy to bring up? Just seems kinda petty going from major info about teen mania credentials to Jeff copied some guy… I really do wish they were taught straight Bible stuff though… over the years there were so many teachers and speakers who just had a thought or an idea or a feeling they preached on… If it’s not from God and the Bible… it’s not worth the interns time! or at least it shouldn’t be.
If he is lying about small things, why wouldn’t he lie about bigger things? Its an issue of integrity and honesty.
Anon – If you were going to study at a music academy, and then you found out the head of the program was tone-deaf, couldn’t carry a tune, and struggled to play a basic scale, I think that would be a solid reason for people to reconsider the merits of that particular program. In the same way, the “Honor Academy” claims to be dedicated to the principle “I will conduct myself honorably before God and man,” yet here’s the Honor Academy Director lying, cheating, and stealing. Sounds harsh, I know, but that’s the definition of plagiarism– cheating by stealing someone else’s words and lying that they’re your own. This would get him flunked out of any secular college course in the country for violating Academic Integrity. How can we expect HA to hold anyone to a higher standard when their own director fails at the most basic standard? There’s also the matter of HA being billed as a place to learn about Christianity, yet the HA director is espousing theology taken from a televangelist’s claim based on false readings of scripture, bad logic, and pseudoscience. If that’s how little discernment the leadership has, what other false teachings are the students going to come away with?
I could not agree with Eric more. As a former English Department Chair (once in a public high school, once in a Christian school), college English instructor, and school accreditation coordinator (in preparation for a visit from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges), I can confirm that any school that tolerates plagiarism (especially in its staff) would have its academic integrity questioned. If TM’s leaders know nothing about academic integrity– or willingly ignore it—– their program should NOT be accredited. I worried about my niece when she attended four of their high priced “mission trips.” Am grateful that I answered the phone when the HA interns called my son. After four phone conversations with them, they were still unable to answer my basic questions, such as “Why are the students at my school able to go on mission trips to Mexico for a week for $800, all expenses paid? But you want my son to go on a GE trip for over $4,000 for two weeks? My niece went on a GE trip to Alaska, ate PB sandwiches and slept on the floor. Where did all her funds go?” Another question they couldn’t answer: “Why does TM charge the same prices for mission trips as tour companies charge for package vacations? My niece’s GE trips have been Spartan at best.” Yet another question I asked, when they told me that my son would give his life to the Lord if he attended a GE trip. “Why does he need to do that on a GE trip? All the Christians I know, including myself and my husband (an ordained minister), became Christians for free. We didn’t need to go on a multi-thousand $ trip.” As someone who spent 30+ years counseling students about their futures, I tried to help my HA callers think through what they were saying in their calls to me. They seemed so stressed, and couldn’t really explain why a GE trip was crucial to learning how to follow Him better. I tried to be sympathetic in their struggle to grapple with my questions. They seemed to feel so guilty that they couldn’t convince me that a GE trip was necessary for my son. I told them that I hoped they would understand just how much the Lord loves them, whether they could convince me to let him go or not. The Gospel is Christ on the cross, risen for us. The Gospel is not an over-priced trip. It was so sad to hear the anxiety in the callers’ voices. When I discovered this website, it confirmed my fears for my son back in 2002 when they kept calling. Because he also has special needs, and is so easily swayed by his need for friends, he has been emotionally and psychologically abused in the past. I thank the Lord that he never returned to ATF. (And once was enough for me and the youth group I took there.) Thank you for this website. You have protected many young people, and their families, with your good work. Blessings upon you.