World Magazine Follow Up: Teen Mania Turmoil Continues

After Ron Luce accused World Magazine of making false statements in their last articleWorld Magazine has responded by releasing a scathing report by independent auditors.

Of particular note, in the wake of the original article, Board member and former intern, Nathan Moody, resigned his position.

The auditors report can be found here and is full of sound advice which Ron Luce refused to implement. This caused the resignation of several other board members as well as (presumably) David and Jon Hasz:

Edwards said the Teen Mania board sought to implement the report’s recommendations, but “it was met with strong opposition from Ron Luce, who sought to maintain the status quo.” He confirmed that several board members and at least two key executives subsequently left the organization. 

The memo provides documentation for several facts cited in WORLD’s story (see Nos. 19, 22, and 31). Readers will also find key issues WORLD did not have space to address, including recommendations to review Katie Luce’s compensation—she works in the office one day per week, according to the report, and earns $50,000 annually (No. 9)—and the “appropriateness” of Ron Luce’s travel policy allowing him to take one family member on every trip. “A less generous benefit may be sufficient,” the document reads (No. 10). 

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