Honor Academy: Legalistic by Design

Frequent commenter Eric P. has written a devastating critique of Teen Mania’s foundational theology in his article, “Ashamed of the Gospel? A Case Study of Works Based Doctrine.” It is quite extensive and shows how Teen Mania turns the true meaning of the Scripture on its head in order to promote a works-based Christian lifestyle instead of a grace-based Christian life.

Eric systematically analyzes one of the foundational teachings given by David Hasz to the interns during their first week of the Honor Academy and demolishes the idea on which the Honor Academy is essentially built: Embracing a standard of moral excellence leads to sanctification, knowing God better and a heart of love.

As Eric points out, “The problem is that, if you want to achieve moral excellence, having a standard is not the way to get it. Standards don’t do a thing to keep anyone from sin.”

The entire essay is worth reading and chewing on, but here is the takeaway:

Teen Mania says that keeping the standard results in love. The Bible says that love results in the ability to keep the standards.

Hasz has it the wrong way around. He’s saying that the tree grows downward from the fruit, that the cart pushes the horse, that first you grow up and then you come to life. In the Honor Academy’s view, love is an afterthought that comes along once you’ve worked hard enough at keeping the standard. In Scripture, love is the center of all things, the summary of all the rules, the very heart and identity of God.

Read the whole thing.


Abbysays:December 12, 2011 11:06 AMReply

Such a good article! Totally worth the read.

Seansays:December 12, 2011 2:09 PMReply

It was a wonderful article. I enjoyed reading it! Thanks, Eric, for being awesome!

Wild Mommasays:December 12, 2011 7:02 PMReply

Very well-written.

Ladybug242says:December 12, 2011 9:10 PMReply

That was excellent and right on the money. We are saved by grace alone because He loves us! In a year on that campus I heard all kinds of judgements, and nothing of love.

Ashleysays:December 13, 2011 9:20 AMReply

I just listened to the Alumni conference call. I feel that a lot of people on this website take the stance that the staff at the Honor Academy are abrasive and deny any hurt that was given. Dave specifically stated that all of you had valid concerns and we should be mindful of your experiences(and also apologized many times). I find that most of you do not give TM or their supporters the same courtesy. Everything is just so one sided on this website, every story and comment I feel like there is little effort to try to understand the other side. We just take the stories at face value that every single detail must be true. I just wanted to mention that because I have heard RA say many times that Teen Mania has made no effort to reconcile.

Nunquam Honorablussays:December 13, 2011 9:56 AMReply

…. Ashley did you even read the article? LOL.

Ericsays:December 13, 2011 10:57 AMReply

Thanks so much, everybody! Feel very free to disseminate and link to my article if you know anyone with questions or concerns about TM’s doctrine.

Ashley, I believe if you read the article that’s linked above, you’ll see that I put a great deal of effort into understanding and explaining what TM teaches and the fruit it produces. If TM really teaches unbiblical doctrine, then no amount of one-sidedness or bias on this or any website alters that fact. (Ad hominem fallacy).

Anonymoussays:December 13, 2011 4:29 PMReply

Are any of you married? I find it true that sometimes you have to stick with your husband/wife even when you don’t feel like you’re in love. (within reason of course, and I know there are circumstances that is perfectly acceptable to leave) I believe that to be true of alot of things in life, sometimes you have to chose how you want to live and who you want to be even when you don’t feel like it. I haven’t talked to dave hasz about this, but i honestly believe that is the heart behind alot of his standards talks and obviously everyone knows that we will all fall short and we will never meet every standard. there are several verses in the bible about as a christian how we are called to a higher standard. also, i would like to clarify i am not saying everything teen mania does is right, because it’s not and so many people have hurt from there- myself included.

Ericsays:December 13, 2011 10:31 PMReply

Anonymous: If a spouse is making you “choose who you want to be even when you don’t feel like it,” that would be an extremely unhealthy relationship– manipulative, authoritarian, and even emotionally abusive. I don’t see how that’s any improvement over false doctrine.

In his presentation, Hasz says specifically what he thinks is the heart behind the standards talk: “A life of moral excellence helps you to know God better.” That’s a direct quote (he says it three times in the slides alone), and it’s one of the clearest examples of false legalistic doctrine I’ve ever come across.

I’d encourage you to look at the verses in my article at the link (e.g. Colossians 2), which specifically rebut Hasz’s idea of spiritual standards. One of the ways Teen Mania has hurt people is by holding them to a “higher” standard than the Bible does.

Fortunately, since you do recognize that TM is doing some wrong things and hurting people, you’re definitely at the right website, and you’re very welcome here. I’d encourage you to spend some time perusing the archives (or my post at the link) and see how much of it rings true to you. Cheers.

Anonymoussays:December 15, 2011 1:40 PMReply

SO very true! My thoughts exactly.

Anonymoussays:December 16, 2011 7:59 AMReply

The problem with TM is that it promotes WORKS to maintain salvation. This is opposite of what Christ came here for. He came to save the sinner from their works/law. When we become Christians, Jesus Christ has created in us to do good works; if by our own choice we do not do these works then we miss out on the blessings and rewards of these works. By no means, though, do we lose our salvation because we do not do these works and for any one who trys to force on one to do these works then they themselves are guilty of pride and arrogancy. As believers, we are to encourage and exhort others to follow Christ and what He taught us, not use the bully pulpit to try to scare others to do it. Just read how Paul in the NT treated those in the NT churches- in NO WAY did he use the tactics of TM to encourage other believers to follow Jesus Christ.

shannon-ashleysays:December 19, 2011 5:58 PMReply

Many of us have had personal conversations with the HA leadership. Personally, I have had conversations with both Dave and Heath over many emails and while they may say that they are listening to both sides–it’s not true. Both Dave and Heath have told me that TM and the HA has changed so that none of my concerns are valid. They also refuse to acknowledge the impact my internship year had on me and others on this website.

Teen Mania is abusive. There’s no way around it. They are not preaching salvation through Jesus, even though it sometimes sounds like they do. This is a work-based organization that puts their effort into getting bodies into seats and they have shown they will use unBiblical means to do so.

If I appear biased in any of my own comments here, it’s probably because I can no longer stand up for abusers as I did for many years.

Anonymoussays:December 21, 2011 7:16 PMReply

Anonymous Dec 13: Likening an internship or involvement with a Christian organization to a marriage is in no way an accurate analogy. In fact, in almost all abusive situations I’ve encountered (whether they be interpersonal abuse or organizational abuse) there are those who bring out an analogy to marriage, in an attempt (usually) to coerce people into feeling guilty or unChristian about leaving.

wanderersays:January 31, 2012 10:29 AMReply

Your posts are always such a breath of fresh air. Thank you for being a continual voice of grace and truth. Really… Christ shows himself so beautifully through your words.

Ericsays:January 31, 2012 12:40 PMReply

Thanks, Wanderer. I’m humbled, touched, and encouraged.

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