Just a Reminder

As many of you know, the Board of Directors is looking into the allegations made on this blog and want former interns to contact them to share their story.

I know many of you have already sent in your story, but if you are a new reader or if you haven’t had a chance yet, there is still time. Click here for the details.

Please take the time to speak up and let your voice be heard. Thanks!


Carrie said…

do you know about how many ppl have sent in their stories?
February 27, 2010 1:31 PM

Carol said…

I read over your entire blog yesterday, thanks to Carrie’s link on her FB page. (Thank you Carrie, BTW). I read each and every post, and with every post light bulbs popped on. I have tried for so long to put my experience into words, but have been unable to do so because there is simply SO MUCH I want to say, and so much I identified as ‘a bit off’. After reading through all of the posts, and so many stories, I can finally put my experience into words.

I will write a letter to share my experience. While I think there was quite a bit of good that came out of my year with TM, there was quite a bit of bad. My foundational years as a Christian were spent with TM (being saved just months before my first mission trip with TM). I’m still trying to unravel some of the damage that was done, but I can appreciate some of the lessons I learned. Even now my husband sees the lasting effects of my year with TM (13 years later). He not only sees the lasting effects in me, he knows other past interns who exemplify some similar characteristics and ‘off’ ideas of God (works versus grace).

While I think most leaders at TM have the best of intentions, the execution needs to be analyzed. I don’t think they fully understand the impact that some of their words and actions have on a person who is still in their formative years. As a college professor I try to watch what I say and do for fear that I will influence even one of my students in the wrong way. But more on that at another time….

In short, thank you for starting this blog. It has really helped me to process what went on during my internship year.
February 27, 2010 2:14 PM

Recovering Alumni said…

Excellent question. I’m not really sure. I know some people copied me on their stories, while others are still working on them. Let me put up a poll and we’ll find out!

Based on the readership here (100-150 people per day), I would think we should have at least 40-50 stories….
February 27, 2010 2:15 PM

Recovering Alumni said…

Thanks for sharing that, Carol. Welcome to our little community and we look forward to getting to know you!
February 27, 2010 2:19 PM

Anonymous said…

This blog is so ridiculous!
You all act like you learned or gained nothing during your 12 month internship! If all you can do is walk away from HA, and focus in the bad and woe is mw, then you cheated yourself for a whole year! I truly feel sorry for you.

When it really comes down to it, no one ever forced any intern to say again their will. Therefore, everyone participated out of free will. If it was really that terrible, you could have left. No one was stopping you. So stop whining and playing the victim, and act like adults.

Take what you will from the experience, and MOVE ON with life. I promise, life gets much tougher than HA!
March 3, 2010 12:42 AM

Carol said…

Hello Anonymous,

“This blog is so ridiculous”. This is an interesting statement. Why is it ridiculous? Because you don’t agree? Is it ridiculous because you don’t want to hear negative things about TM? Are you offended that past interns FINALLY have a voice? Is it ridiculous because we can come together and heal from something we poured our lives into…for…12…full…months?

This is simply a place where past TM interns can come for support. I commend Recovering Alumni for standing up and having a voice. This is a piece of the puzzle that we have been missing since our year (or years) with TM.

“I truly feel sorry for you.” Another bold statement! Well, to be blunt, I feel sorry for YOU. I feel sorry that you are criticizing folks simply sharing experiences both good and bad. I cannot speak for others on this blog, but I can certainly speak from my experience. There is a lot that I took away from TM that was good. I learned a lot of life lessons, I learned how to push myself, I learned how to draw boundaries, I learned who God is and isn’t, I learned that there are some amazing folks out there.

I also learned some lessons that have taken years to unwind. I learned that works IS NOT the answer. I learned that being taken advantage of is not something I will ever do to others. I learned that berating someone is never a good way to teach. I learned that sleep deprivation is not a good thing.

Both the good lessons and the bad have turned out to be a good thing. I have learned! Plain and simple! But now I am seeking a place where I can share my experience, gain understanding, seek commonality and finally have a voice to share both good and bad experiences. I wouldn’t trade my TM years for anything in the world – but I WOULD trade some of the bad lessons for good ones. Again, this is simply a place we can come to for support. Perhaps I haven’t been hurt as much as some on this blog – but the point is, is that we HAVE A VOICE, plain and simple!
March 3, 2010 6:16 AM

Carol said…


A lot of counseling sessions take place where a person can simply come to terms with what has happened in the past, realize that, perhaps we didn’t agree with what happened to us, then we can move on. This is what’s going on here. A lot of us HAVE moved on – we are simply talking about our experiences. Why is this not ok? Should we keep silent? Should we not chat with others about our experiences?

I agree that no one was ever forced to stay at TM. You are correct. But the internal pressure and external pressure to stay was so intense, that if we walked out of TM, the guilt and shame we would have felt would have been vast. For some, it was too much to handle. I was one of those folks who almost left in the middle of my internship year. I had about 3 months left and simply couldn’t handle it anymore. I seriously contemplated packing my car and leaving. But I kept my word as I was encouraged to do over and over and over again, and stuck with it. Ultimately I’m glad I did, but that decision was not easy.

“Life gets much tougher than HA”. No kidding! Do you think we’re simply stuck in our internship year without moving forward? Far from it! Most of us are in the thick of life, have families, mortgages, responsibilities. This forum for speaking out is simply that – a place where we can come and gain some insight. For most of us we DO NOT sit around and constantly think of our time at TM – life is SO MUCH MORE than that. God is so much more than that!

Again, I’m so glad Recovering Alumni started this website for those that want to find healing. I’m glad alumni finally have a voice to be heard, whether that is sharing good experiences or bad. I still support TM and love their vision. But I think some things could be changed to make the ministry better, to make the internship better, to make the summer trips better, to allow the leaders to understand their true impact on teenagers, and to open the eyes of the current interns and let them know that life in the ‘bubble’ is much different than life outside.

So, are we “whining” as you call it? No, I don’t think this is a good description. I think we are sharing our experiences, finding other folks with similar stories, and we are supporting one another.
March 3, 2010 6:17 AM

Lisa said…

*applauding Carol*
March 3, 2010 8:57 AM

w said…

I agree with Lisa–*yay Carol and yay RA*!!
March 3, 2010 11:24 PM

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