The Ultimate ESOAL Thread: What’s Your Story?

(2021 Update: This post is one of ~80 found in the drafts folder and wasn’t archived by the Wayback Machine. I have only added the “What’s Your Story” to make a more clickbait title and added links in the post. I have also added my story after the line break)

I’ve done several posts on ESOAL.

But this isn’t a post, this is the place for you to share your ESOAL stories. What do you remember most? What was the lasting impression it had on you? What do prospective interns need to know about it? If we get enough stories, I’ll make this a tab at the top of the screen.

(If you can, please include how many years ago you did ESOAL.)

I’ll go first

I participated in ESOAL in 2007 as a platoon leader. Since we had a larger family core, it was evident that all three January men would be leaders and decided that we wouldn’t be Bring-it-ons since we wanted to taper our facilitation so we can more likely stick through the whole event and be there for our platoons. That said, I medically rang out about 65 hours into the 90-hour event. I made the mistake of wearing reversible pants and mud got caught between the layers. This added extra weight to my legs and I overworked my hip muscles after dozens of minutes doing leg lifts and flutter kicks. I knew that I was in a bad situation that late morning, but I kept going. After a nap, and I guess allowing my hips to recover, it became evident that I could not continue on. I had to be carried to the bell and then to my dorm. When I drove for the next couple of days, I had to physically pick up my leg to switch pedals. To this day, 14 years later, I am still in constant pain and my hips occasionally lock up. Sometimes I can’t walk until I stretch.

I distinctly remember certain evolutions, the gross food relay and rolling the hill were staples. However, I think the most traumatic elements were the Grid (a 5×5 grid of overturned trashcans and each can represents a country). Getting shot at with paintball guns while trying to remember what we memorized stuck with me for some reason. I was watching Avatar the Last Airbender and the final battle triggered me for some reason. I assume it’s an intense moment in the midst of field of rock cylinders. Then there’s My Heart Will Go On, which always seems to come one when I am intoxicated and it throws me into this pit of despair.

What about you? When did you do ESOAL/PEARL and what stuck with you?

2 thoughts on “The Ultimate ESOAL Thread: What’s Your Story?”

  1. Nunquam Honorablus

    Imagine my shock when I arbitrarily google something about ESOAL to fact-check, and find out that the RA blog is back up and running! I don’t know if it’s a faux pas to comment on older posts, but I was also there for ESOAL 2007, and your story sounds super familiar. I forget what the platoons/factions/whatever were called, but I was in Pennsylvania (were they sorted by family cores? Dorms? I truly don’t remember).

    But to answer the question, I rang out after just 19 hours– before the Grid, I’m pretty sure. I do remember a couple of my roommates talking about it though, and how deliberately impossible it was designed to be. I’m sorry you had to experience any of it, and I’m especially sorry that it’s causing you pain all these years later.

    1. Recovering Alumni

      IIIIIIIIIIiiiiittttttttt’ssssss Nunquam!!!!

      Welcome back!!! I’m so glad to see you comment again. Just so you know, it’s a new person at the helm, a helm I have somewhat abdicated, but I’m still here. Can corroborate your story. I was also there for ESOAL 2007 and was in Virginia Company. It was split by family core and we had several platoons depending on how many members in the family core.

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