Chase’s Story

Moderator’s Note: “Chase” contacted me because he was concerned that this blog was not helpful but instead might be causing division. He graduated in 2009 and loves TM. He wanted to share his “positive” story. Trust me, its worth reading. Stay kind in the comments.

Although the Honor Academy is tough, hard, and needless to say isn’t perfect, my experience as an intern was good, my Core Advisor was always open to talk to and I was always able to get ahold of him, and my accountability partners (APs) were always around when I needed them. Even though my year was busy and very hectic I was always able to find time to spend with God and pray. My whole reason of applying and going to HA as an intern was to intercede, give Him a year to help me as I grow into a full fledge adult. I was 18 at the time, freshly out of High School and really ready to just do the Lord’s bidding. I knew where I wanted to go, but I had heard so many stories of others who had gone to college chosen to do something and then later in life realized God has thought differently and they changed their lifestyle to suit what God was actually calling them to do. I am not saying that one day my life will change in a new direction that God will point me towards, I just wanted to start out right instead of going to College and then realizing this is not what God wanted me to do.

My first couple of weeks at HA radically changed my life, and had it not been for my friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, I would have been in emotional turmoil. My birth mother and brother died in a tragic car accident and I had to leave the HA for a week to get affairs in order for their funeral and to help my youngest brother Daniel (name changed to protect the persons identity) who was only 10 at the time. Even though I’m adopted and didn’t know them much, it really affected me. Having come from a wealthy family that were always only concerned with themselves I didn’t really get the love and support that I needed. Upon my return to HA my Family Core, and my AP’s were there always ready to help me up. It was a love I had never seen in my life, a love that was so pure and full of grace. I began to really enjoy my surroundings.

David Hasz and the upper leadership of HA were at my side at an instant, after hearing about what had happened Mr. Hasz immediately called me and asked what he could help me with. Mr. Stoner and his wife opened their lines up and allowed me to speak to them and loved on me. My co-workers prayed for my family and for my future as I didn’t know where I was going to go and how things would work out. I can remember just being in awe of how the leadership had been treating me. I thought they would dismiss me because they would think my family was more important, which it was, but I knew that God wanted me at the HA right then and at that time. As things progressed, I realized how loving they all had been (upper leadership) and how understanding they were.

ESOAL fast approached and I was really excited, it had only been a week since my birth mother died and I thought I was prepared to do such a physical activity. As I prepared I didn’t realize that I probably shouldn’t do such a vigorous LTE that could actually really injure (it was my fault not HA’s) I decided to continue with my plan and put my faith in God. Throughout my forty eight hours, I was in the pit and doing the old obstacle course and kept getting wet. During my last night, I was so sick that I knew had I not rang out I would die (which my Captain wouldn’t let me do until after a certain time, the doctors would later yell at her for doing that). On Monday, a day after ESOAL had ended, I was making a phone call when I went into a acute seizure mode, foaming mouth, loss of hearing, couldn’t see and extremely inflamed back. I was hyper-ventilating because my body was no longer under my control. I felt helpless as I heard my best friend for the last time in five hours say “hold on Chase.” I woke up in the hospital and was told I had Meningitis developing from swallowing the putrid water in ESOAL. I was fine, I was quarantined for five weeks and came back. The HA wanted to put me up in the village but my parents paid for a hotel in Lindale. I wracked up a huge bill with just staying there. However I was blessed. I recovered. I learned so much during my five week absence, praying and gloryfing God for saving me and sending me such great people.

I was an Acquire the Fire representive and my event was Michigan. Going to work was never a drag, and it was always good to see my best friend who sat next to me. My walk with God continued to grow as our event approached fast, and I began praying unceasingly for my family and their salvation. Throughout most of the winter and early spring quarters I was flying out every other weekend to auditions (I am a professional actor), and on family events. This started putting pressure on my relationships at HA but my friends quickly realized how much I needed their support and changed their thinking.

When it all came to the final curtain call, the last week of my HA year, I can just look back and tears start to well up. During my grad defense I started crying, a man! Crying… out of this world. I apologized and one of my grad defense board member said “Chase, don’t be ashamed to cry, there isn’t anything more beautiful than seeing a man cry because God is touching his heart.” I was flabbergasted at that remark and now cry freely when the Lord touches my heart. Looking back at my experience I have learned through the LTE’s and have gained so much knowledge in areas of our lives that really count… family, integrity, honor, and our walk with our Lord and Savior. I am my beloved and He is MINE. My intern year I learned that God will never give you too much that you can’t handle… and there was so much I did that not even this small testimony begun to summarize my experience. I miss the people of the HA, and pray for my GI friends, and for my successors as HA interns.

Although HA was tough, and hard, and sometimes not fair, and I can see where people can see that HA looks like a cult, they do good things, and I love Teen Mania and believe that God is still there. I learn that through these tough times in the Ministry the best thing is to pray and forgive them for whatever they have done. I hope that my testimony today can show that there are very good stories out there about TM. Mine is one of many…. and hopefully there a lot more to come. We are all honorable, God loving people and no one can label us that except God. No ministry no Pastor can ever take that away from you regardless. Here is to everyone, the recovering and our fellow Christian family…