Today, Dave Hasz announced “big” changes to ESOAL. It will now be called the PEARL LTE, the Physical, Emotional and Relational Learning Event.
Lest you assume that this means substantial changes to ESOAL, please note he says they will “retire with honor the name ESOAL.”
So, first off they are giving honor to ESOAL.
There is no acknowledgement of wrong doing, wrong teaching or abuse. There is no apology to hurt and victimized interns.
He goes on to say:
“The objective of ESOAL has changed as well.” He says that it is a “big game” of role play to put into practice things you are learning and build teamwork. He emphasizes that it is “not real.”
Does this mean he will no longer teach the BAR (Burial and Resurrection) theology? Because that has very real effects on someone’s spiritual life. In fact, the (supposed) ENTIRE POINT of ESOAL in the past was to reach the “burial of your flesh and resurrection of your spirit.” Not sure how that is something you can “role play.” Is he now repudiating this teaching? Or will this teaching still be an integral part of ESOAL 2.0?,
These are questions that need answers.
The only real specific he gives is that they will no longer use military terms. For example, majors will now be “coaches.” No mention if those “coaches” will still scream derogatory remarks in the interns faces or not. No mention if interns will be given adequate rest, food and medical care.
He says that in 2007-2008, ESOAL went through significant changes. In fact, he claims that the ESOAL of recent years is vastly different from the early years (mainly because he wants all the old interns to shut up). Of course, in recent years there have been developments like the “quarantine tent” where interns with various ailments like Meningitis are sent after ESOAL. In fact, at least one intern that we know of almost died in 2009. Is this the same event you are praising, Dave?
Dave says that the PEARL is “similar” to the ESOAL of the last 3-4 years. This is an absolutely genius (and devious) PR trick. He knows that all of our video footage is from years previous to this. This is, I believe, nothing more than a blatant attempt to distance the brand of Teen Mania from the disgusting manipulation and outright physical and spiritual abuse that we have systematically documented, going back over 10 years. Teen Mania is terrified of the truth and this is the only way they can think of to make themselves look good for future interns without ever having to apologize or make things right with past interns. This is disgraceful, shameful behavior for someone who calls themselves a Christian.
Of course, we don’t know exactly what this event will hold until after it goes down (and likely months or years afterwards – when people finally get the courage to come forward.) But I’m willing to take Dave at his word that the PEARL will be similar to the ESOAL events from the last 3-4 years. In my next post, I will run a story from the 2009 ESOAL and you can decide if it has really changed for the better.
From now on, you can bet that Teen Mania’s standard reply to concerned journalists, interns and parents is “We don’t do ESOAL anymore. That’s in the past.”
Not that I’m not skeptical about the changes, but I’m surprised and somewhat encouraged that any changes are being made at all. Either someone at HA is listening even a little bit to what’s going on here at RA and from alumni in general, or at least the RA community is scaring potential interns and their families – and even the HA staff – enough to warrant some changes. Rather than continuing to say “We’re right in what we’re doing, and we won’t listen to the group of trouble-making RA supporters,” something is stirring a change. And I think that’s great, even if it’s small and potentially just for the sake of PR. Especially a change in something as iconic as ESOAL is a pretty big feat, I’d say.
And I hope that specifying the retreat as a “game” will change the severity of it all. Hopefully the mindset of the interns entering the weekend will be healthier – though I still question the point of the retreat as a whole.
Parents are welcome to come and watch? Has that always been so? Are there any parents who’ve gone?
Any alumni have the time to go check it out? I wish I was closer and not employed so I could go- but, happily, I’m not and I am so I can’t.

catsaved- as far as I know, parents have been welcome to come and participate (not sure about just watching, though I don’t see why not if they can actually do it). At least, that’s how it was in 2007.
All the same, this is incredibly smart of them. Though when he says it’s changing like it does every year, that doesn’t give me a lot of hope.
“From now on, you can bet that Teen Mania’s standard reply to concernced journalists, interns and parents is “We don’t do ESOAL anymore. That’s in the past.””

Hey alumni you all got Invited to go down wanna take some new footage you were invited so I say anywhere on campus even 50 feet away from a squad at all times is fair game what do you think? Food for thought!

Wow. This is crazy.
So, after being a part of this blog for what? Almost 2 years now? My first thought was, ‘well, maybe they changed. What-ev, I don’t even care anymore.’ I wasn’t going to watch the video even, simply because I can’t take the time to keep watching all this stuff. For my own sake you know?
But, alas – my little mouse clicked that little play button aaand…. here I go:
Dave Hasz is a lier. He’s slick. He doesn’t even try to cover up his tracks. He just says what-ever he wants to. Honestly, that’s weird… Kinda creepy.
Esoal underwent major changes in 06,07 &08? Those were my years. My year was the ‘longest’ esoal they had, had up until that point. It went something like 4 or 5 days straight! Sleep no Sleep, paintball shootings, mind games galore. In the early days of esoal, ‘the bad days’ I guess Dave is trying to make everyone think we’re complaining about. Esoal went on for 12 hours or something.
And now they’re actually calling it the physical event?! that’s bullshit. I’m sorry but it is. One of the BIGGEST problems with esoal is that they use physical abuse and call it spiritual growth. Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t Dave been debating back since this blog started about how T.M. doesn’t use physical disiplines in a spiritual sence? and now he’s saying that this new event is much more like the last 4 years of esoal?
They’re using this new event as role playing to prepare you for real life. Do we remember when Jon Hasz said esoal prepares you for the death of a child? Being able to control your emotions? (i.e. die to self…. &$%@)
And, I agree, it doesn’t sound one bit like they’ve actually changed esoal. Same exact thing- different names. wow.

I do not trust Dave Hasz. I think he lies with-out remorse. He is not capable of leading ‘young people.’ Teen Mania could be cool. If they had a different leader entirely.

Wow. Retiring ESOAL with honor? Seriously?
Dave Hasz is a consumate politician.

wow ok I went throu ESOLE 2010 and it really was bad all the changes he claimed they made were not enforced. So Dave can change the name but not the game. I doubt PERL will be any different than the Hell I had to go thru at last years ESOLE. But for the sake of these pour interns who have no idea whats about to happen to them i.e Brian washed by Dave and Health but for there sakes I hope ESOLE has changed I fell so bad for the interns sometimes I wish I could go and rescue them all
Holly, did Dave do the same ESOAL that the interns did? Was he smiling through it?

How can something finish Honorable that was never “Honorable” from the start to the end and all that inbetween?
If DH came out and said that ESOAL was inappropriate, harmful, and they were going to start a new LTE that will be the exact opposite of ESOAL, then I’d think he was changing something, maybe.

I know I have said this on other posts but It gets me really up in arms that Dave and Heath can say role playing games like D&D are evil or from the devil but they are then willing to create not one not two but 3 to 4 different ROLE PLAYING GAMES on campus every year without even thinking that possibly it’s a double standard. It’s obnoxious Hey this is a game we are role playing is the same mantra many D&D geeks or even fantasy LARPers give the biggest difference is when the Gamers Role play they make sure to put certain safe guards in place such as throwing rock paper scissors or just talking out what their “character” does instead of doing that thing, by contrast when you ROLE PLAY at TM you are forced into a situation where the people actually are physical with you where you could actually break that leg, get meningitis, Lose consciousness for long periods of time while your body still goes through the motions. You actually have someone in your face threatening you with true physical actions without a pause button. In these LTEs there is no symbol or space where you can talk out of the scene to remind yourself it’s just a scene these are just games and at the end of the day I will go back to my normal life with these people who are my good friends and really wouldn’t hurt me. I have to ask seriously Which one of those two events hurts God more the one where you are acting out a fantasy scenario that would never happen in real life you all know that and are using it as an excuse to get together have dinner and create a story with friends or the one where you are thrown into a scenario that you are told “could happen” or is “a metaphor for the tough times in your life” where you can’t step out safely without either being done or angering leadership. One of these two sickens God and I would argue that it’s actually the LTEs not fantasy role play where everyone knows it’s fiction that you are creating together!
Hearts, I just chalk it up to the double standard that TM is constantly using. Everything is a double standard to them– it is a “Do as I say, not as I do” mentality.

Oh no I’m not gonna let this one die! They will answer me publicly on this one! You don’t call my father a devil worshiper for having a hobby and then do the same thing less safely and get away with it!

Did they actually say D&D was evil? We used to play an RPG with interns, GI’s, SA’s, and Staff while I was there and they never said anything like that to us.

It was Dave Which is crazy since we were there within the same year. Dave literally told me D&D was evil it was obnoxious! Either he didn’t know you guys were doing that OR it’s an example of different rules for different people!

I still don’t get the role play mess at the HA. Why not just help the interns with the problems they already have, instead of conjuring up some sort of senerio for them.
Oh wait, then they’s have to be caring and considerate of the interns. It’s better to just bully them around for a weekend.

I remember ESOAL 2007. I remember them telling me “What are you going to do when your child has Down Syndrome? Are you just going to ring out from that too?” Like it even compaired.
I remember as we stood at the top of a hill and they asked us ridiculous questions such as “What is my mother’s maiden name?” We, of course, did not know her name and guess what we got to do? You guessed it! ROLL THE HILL
I remember when we had to “play” capture the flag in a huge field with dead grass and weeds that grew almost up to your waist and they expected us to run in the blazing Texas sun without ever worrying about snakes, poisonous bugs, or small ditches that we could potentially sprain our ankles in.
I remember not being able to hold down water at all because I was too dehydrated.
I remember having to run clear across campus to accomplish specific tasks in a specific order and then be back at a specific location at a designated time or else…you guessed it…roll the hill. It, of course, was impossible to finish and ESOAL facilitators knew it.
I remember sitting on the ground for “dinner” and making the decision to ring out and guess what, I never not even once regretted that. Not even to this day.
I remember my roommate who finished (bless her heart) came back and her legs were completely covered with a staff infection which could have been life threatening.
Dave Hasz, I never learned anything from ESOAL. I never, not even once, have thought, “man, I’m going through a really tough time right now, let me think back to ESOAL and what my power-driven facilitators told me.” Your tricks and mind games have gone too far. The PEARL is no different than ESOAL and you’re doing more harm than good. You can change the name, but it’s still the same.

Where I grew up this is known as “putting lipstick on a pig.”
And there’s no doubt in my mind it’s deliberate, too.

I just like that they are charging some interns several thousand dollars a month to be at the Center for Creative Media and non of these interns were available to help come run the camera. Dave has no primary light source, the camera is shaking and the titles were done in iMovie or an even inferior program. I don’t even think major terrorist groups would accept the same production quality in their productions. Come on HA if you’re going to make a major announcement – at least get a nice video. Sounds like maybe a mic was used so I guess we shouldn’t be too up in arms.

yes Dave did the same ESOLE as we did as far as I know but I could be wrong and idk if he was smiling thru it I did not c Dave very much but i doubt it.
Future Cult Leader and Anon – Pffft – that’s Dave’s ‘excellence’ in action.

A friend of mine whom facilitated last year said that EZ company being comprised of what she labeled as “adults” were not Facilitated the same way and while they may have done most if not all the evolutions they did not do some of the ones that were “designed for younger people” as many times. The result is that while EZ company went through all of the bits of ESOAL they were as GIs, Parents, and alumni returning. Makes me wonder if the alumni who get on EZ company know they are not treated the same as the current intern class.

So rather than doing the investigation on ESOAL from an outside company, The Honor Academy is just going to change the name and forget about it?

exactly zach. Since “PEARL” isn’t “ESOAL” then there isn’t anything to investigate. Geez zach! ESOAL is something they did a long time ago and it’s all changed since then. Get with their brain-washing program already.

I may get some backlash for saying this, but I think that we can’t really say that the PEARL is the exact same thing as ESOAL until PEARL actually happens. I, as well as most of you, am skeptical, I’ll admit. But I really don’t think that it is fair at all to state as fact that it won’t be different until we can actually know. So let’s just wait and see…
As for ESOAL… I understand establishing physical discipline and how it can translate into different areas of your life. I understand pushing yourself to a place where you let go and rely only on the Lord to carry you the rest of the way so that you can live the rest of your life putting all of your trust in the Him. I understand what “point” of ESOAL is…
But what’s wrong with just doing an intense weekend that pushes you physically and spiritually, but does it with a positive attitude and encouragement? I mean… there are other kinds of things that people do to challenge themselves like climbing mountains, camping with only the absolute bare essentials, running 100 mile marathons, etc. They could create an LTE that accomplishes EVERYTHING that ESOAL is supposed to accomplish WITHOUT shouting insults in people’s faces and messing with their sleep. It can be completely totally strict like, sleep is ONLY from this time to this time, meals are ONLY from this time to this time. Then we spend 2 hours doing PT. Then we do an obstacle course. Then we run a mile. Then we play a physically demanding sport. Then we have a completely silent quiet time. Then we spend such and such amount of time in worship. Then we have a kind of “sermon” teaching us whatever lessons we’re supposed to take with us out of this LTE, putting things in perspective, and showing us how we can apply them to our lives. Disciplined, intense, demanding, and stretching doesn’t have to mean that the participants have to become disheartened and browbeaten.
Alternate stock joke: Notice the pirate ship behind Dave in the video? It’s the curse of the PEARL. Savvy?
Seriously, though, this is simply pathetic. It looks like it was filmed on a camera phone and edited in Windows Movie Maker, for one thing– what happened to their touted excellence in media?
And the result of the thorough review is an event that is “similar to the last several years,” only now with a new name. None of the safety concerns were even mentioned, let alone the dangerous psychological and spiritual elements that were of concern even to the KLTV reporters.
That’s not ESOAL 2.0; that’s ESOAL 1.1.3. (Remember Microsoft’s commercials when, instead of making any improvements to Windows Vista, they tried to convince people it would be better if they sold it as Mojave? Vista still sucked. OK, now you’ve got me thinking like a software geek.)
Changing a name is not a “significant change.” It’s rebranding. I wouldn’t invest my money with Bernie Madoff even if he changed his name to Benny McTrustworthy.

Oh, and as for D&D and stuff like that being evil… a lot of Christians believe that any kind of occult/fantasy/witchcraft/magic/mythological creatures kind of thing is evil. It’s like the Christians who won’t let their kids watch Disney movies because of fairy godmothers or read Harry Potter because it’s about magical wizards. They believe that it opens the door and allows evil to creep inside. They think the same thing about D&D, only D&D is worse because the participants are ACTING OUT the scenarios and if you’re role playing evil, you might as well be doing it for real. And that’s what the difference is supposed to be. Role playing “real life situations” is okay, but role playing “magic” isn’t.
@Anon- Dave himself as much as said in the video that PEARL is the same thing as ESOAL: Notice he uses the phrase “similar to the last several years.” The only specific changes he mentioned are the names, and he “gives honor” to “the name ESOAL”– not the words of someone who realizes he’s made huge mistakes in the past and wants to rectify them.
A physically intense weekend with “a positive attitude and encouragement” would certainly be a great thing for lots of people. A physically intense weekend where it’s taught that your performance is a reflection of your reliance on God (see BAR theology), not so much.
Really, my objections to ESOAL are as much doctrinal as anything else, although I’m dismayed that Dave didn’t even mention the recurring controversy over safety risks (e.g. an intern in 2009 contracted meningitis and nearly died). I would be just as upset if they taught BAR theology and used a “safer” technique of brainwashing– which is what the techniques of ESOAL are, according to cult experts.
Pingback: PEARL 2011 (Formerly ESOAL) – My Teen Mania Experience